You can sign up for a free account with them, and it doesn't take more than a second.
The site is made by the same guys who made Worth1000.com, a fun site where you can show off all your trippy Photoshop images in various themed contests.
And guess what?
Test lithium ion battery electrodes developed at MIT can be fully discharged within 10 seconds, with a one liter battery capable of discharging 25,000 watts worth. One of these batteries could carry 10 times as much power as an ultracapacitor of the same size. These could be good for race cars or lasers; things that can store a lot of energy and need to release it quickly with high performance. Sadly, the developing company is not planning on developing the batteries for lasers.
NRK (a Norwegian public broadcasting company) has set up a bittorent tracker so that you can download their shows, DRM free, online. They even come with subtitle files for non-Norwegian speakers. They're also using OpenTracker software, the same one as the Swedish site Pirate Bay has been using, only the only content NRK will be distributing is their own.
Intel is currently working on developing a material to be used in shape-shifting phones. They are looking at silicon-dioxide hemispheres which roll over each others surfaces due to an electric current; this movement and re-arrangement will cause the object to change its shape. They hope to have this technology in 3-5 years, but as far as being on the market, it's going to be a lot longer than that.
A school in the UK has introduced face recognition technology to sign their students in and out of school, thereby removing the need for teachers and staff to take up time with taking attendance.
Perhaps they do, what if they are keeping tabs on you, what if they know what sights you were on last Thursday when your boss thought you were typing up those spread sheets on Excel? You must be worried now, comrade... (Joking, it's fine, don't fret.)
And guess who that was? Lars Ulrich of Metallica (who vehemently spoke out against file sharing sites in the earlier part of the decade) pirated his own album off a torrent site a couple days after Death Magnetic was leaked on the net last year.
Well that title was certainty creative. (Sarcasm of course, which I have just painfully slayed by telling you that it was sarcasm.)
I Goggle meme'd myself just now. For those of you who don't know what that is, you can see how to do it here. Basically you search for your name and a verb following it, and make a list of what you get. It's a lot of fun. =)
1. Alex needs more than just a rat trap for this vermin
2. Alex looks like the kind of girl who would take you to the forest and feed you a bunch of mushrooms and then leave you to fend for yourself
3. Alex says "the adventures of an Italian in Silicon Valley"
4. Alex wants to stay as far away from that place as possible
5. Alex does Galactic Domination with pictures, videos, personal blog, interests, information about me and more.
6. Alex hates Rome
7. Alex asks for move
8. Alex likes to scribble and draw with crayons, dig in the dirt outside, and loves anything to do with water.
9. Alex eats babies
10. Alex wears her hat like a mask
11. Alex was arrested for allegedly embezzling two hundred and seventy-three thousand dollars from the post office and for burglary and marijuana violations.
12. Alex loves everything
If you want to do this, just take the "Alex (verb)" and change it to your name, then Google it. Write down what you get and post it in a comment.