Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Blue!

Chemists at Oregon State University have accidentally produced a new blue pigment!

Many blue pigments are expensive, poisonous, or prone to fading, but this new one seems to be very stable so far.  While these scientists were trying to create a material with "novel electronic properties," this new pigment was found.

It's fairly expensive though  because of the iridium they use to make it, and are currently experimenting with other ways to make this new brilliant blue.

Photo by Mas Subramanian of Oregon State University, I do not own it.

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Keine Kinderpornografie für die Deutschen...

No child pornographie for the Germans...

...or not?

The German President Horst Köhler has refused to sign in a controversial law regarding child pornography in Germany, stating that he needed "supplementary information."

The law would ban and censure it on the internet. However, this could also block many innocent websites as well, which would end up breaching the country's Constitution. In addition to this, it could pave the way for various groups in the country to push blocking, well, whatever they feel is offensive on the web, escalating the amount of censorship and causing a significant amount of controversy.   

The law isn't going away though. Since it's already been passed by both houses of the Parliament, what Köhler has done will amount to merely stalling the law for the time being, but sooner or later, he will have to face it again.

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iPhone comes to South Korea

The iPhone officially hits the market today in South Korea, two months after it was approved by the government. 65,000 people have pre-ordered the device, and many hundreds of people reportedly camped out in stadiums all night in Seoul while they waited for the shops to open so they could by it. 

Here's a commercial for the iPhone from South Korea. The biggest difference between it and commercials in the US is well, that it's in Korean.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Charter schools in L.A. area win $60-million grant --

Charter schools in L.A. area win $60-million grant --

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Three homeless men in Russia sell corpse to kabob stand

Well, parts of it anyways...

Three homeless men in Russia are suspected of brutally killing a man, chopping him up, eating some, and then selling parts of him to a local kabob restaurant.

Oddly enough, the kabob stand also made and sold pies. Connection? 

It is not known yet if the body parts where sold to any customers.

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Depressed woman loses benefits because she looked "happy"

A Canadian woman with depression (yes, diagnosed and all) lost her sick-leave insurance benefits after her service found pictures of her "having fun."

The morose woman had been recommended by her doctor to take a nice and sunny vacation to try and boost her mood, and that she did. She took some photos of herself, and guess what? She was smiling in them. Ye gods! This woman actually appeared to be having a good time! Well she's obviously not depressed anymore, right?

"God forbid this man should have any happiness in his life..."


Her insurance company thought that those photos of her experiencing a common human emotion proved that she was no longer depressed, and therefore, there was no need for her to continue receiving benefits any longer.

This angered more than a few people, and her lawyer (and doctor) agree that the company had no right to take away her benefits, as they obviously had no idea what they were dealing with or doing.

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Peruvian gang harvests human fat

If you live in Peru, you might want to cut down on those potato crisps you've been eating lately....

A certain gang in Peru has apparently been killing people and harvesting the fat off of their bodies so that they could sell it to cosmetics companies. They killed the victim, harvested the tissue in rudimentary labs, and packaged the fat in bottles and cans.

There are around 60 disappearances linked to this case. Four members of the gang have been arrested so far.   

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Large Hadron Collider Gets Smashing

Before the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland, can begin to unlock the mysteries of the universe -- as physicists around the world hope it will -- it has to be taken for a series of test drives. Scientists on Monday did just that, driving protons into each other at energies approaching 550 billion electron volts.

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"I'll help your child survive, -but first I need to reach level 13!"

In Nanjing's Children's Hospital in Eastern China, a one Dr. Mao Xiajun apparently decided that playing the online game Go was more important than saving the life of a dying child. According to the press, the child's mother was on her knees, crying and begging the doctor to do something, but her pleas where in vain. The child died, and the doctor was fired and had her license taken away.  

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Monday, November 2, 2009

300% Increase in File Sharing...

....after Pirate Bay was temporarily closed down.

Apparently the courts hoped that shutting down the site would protect their precious copyrighted material, but alas, they were wrong. People took it upon themselves to make sure that others had access to the torrents, so anyone who wanted to use them or provide them could.

Honestly, did they really expect anything else?

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