Monday, February 23, 2009

Company Logo

This is my logo for my company which helps create and design concept characters and creatures for various types of media used in the entertainment industry.

I chose the Charlemagne Std font for my initials because it has a feel to it which is reminiscient of Medieval times and of the fantasy genera. Since what my company will be creating will be fantasy based, I thought that the Charlemagne font would be appropriate to use on the logo. The font aslo has a sense of steadfastness, which shows our commitment to helping the customer with their project no matter what and to making the project look great.

I chose the Chapparal Pro font for the tagline to create a sense of friendliness and creativity that says we are fun and nice but know what we are doing.

I created the logo of a one eyed winged creature to represent creativity and innovativeness. It also represents pretty much what the company does, which is creating creatures and characters, as mentioned above.

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