Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Movie

There were some things I'd have liked to have changed on the movie.

  1. fix the colour in a few of the scenes
  2. change the dialogue in the classroom scene
  3. get a variety of angles on a few people in the classroom scene
  4. cut the walking down the hallway scene; it's much to long 
  5. add some more shots to the classroom scene
  6. shoot some things for the ending
  7. cut the music from a few parts
  8. re-record the sound in the classroom scene because it's atrocious(not that scene again! aggghhhh!!!! ><)
  9. re-record a few lines of narration here and there
  10. record someone banging on the door; the foley sound we have now is painfully inadequate.
Over all though, I think we did a pretty good job. However there's always somethings else that could have been done differently/better, but there's always a next time.

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